Swanky Genius: Encouragements
Hosted by Peshah, an art therapist, business woman and professional artist. Tune in to hear uplifting and introspective insights about how to succeed, prosper and be happier in all areas of your life, from a warm mentor with decades of experience.
57 episodes
Ep 057 - Negative Voices
Those pesky internal voices we all hear, which seem to have nothing good to say. Where do those bearers of unkind thoughts come from, and what can we do to have peace within ourselves?"That Guy's Sky Is Way Too High (long version)" by Do...
Season 1
Episode 57

Ep 056 - Why Embrace Pain?
Why would you and I want to embrace pain? That seems counterintuitive to having the life of our dreams, and to accomplishing our destiny. But what if embracing pain is actually the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity that await us?...
Season 1
Episode 56

Ep 055 - Why Artists Struggle
As an artist we are just so different. Emotionally, psychologically, in our environments, and our values - we don't view life as most do. It is easy to experience life as a struggle because of how we are. But what if being an artist doesn't hav...
Season 1
Episode 55

Ep 054 - Don't Trade Your Time For Money
It seems as if your life is limited financially, and that the system of trading your time for money is just the way it is. But you do not have to succumb to the gnawing feeling that says you are stuck. There is so much more to life than working...
Season 1
Episode 54

Ep 053 - Why Discipline Is So Important
Discipline seems often like something unobtainable, and even having the potential to make our lives less free. But discipline can be easily accomplished, and in actuality, bring about immense happiness and prosperity."20 Minute M...
Season 1
Episode 53

Ep 052 - It's Okay To Be Uncomfortable In Your Life
What if being uncomfortable in your life was actually a positive? What if hidden within your discomfort were the answers you are seeking to bring about the life you truly desire? "Music for Manatees" Kevin MacLeod (incomp...
Season 1
Episode 52

Ep 051 - This Isn't A Dress Rehearsal
Do you feel as if the life you are living is not what you had believed for, that you are boxed in, and not able to achieve your dreams? Your life isn't a dress rehearsal and your dreams, most assuredly, are destined to come true.
Season 1
Episode 51

Ep 050 - Covid Hair Loss & What To Do
It is heart wrenching to lose your hair. Difficult enough trying to recover from Covid, then the delayed ensuing hair loss caused by the trauma the body endured just adds more sadness to it all. Here are simple solutions though to having your b...
Season 1
Episode 50

Ep 049 - Wandering Thoughts & What To Do About Them
Those pesky wandering thoughts can be annoying, at best, and upsetting, at worst. We spend a lot of time with our thoughts going to places we'd rather they not go. What can we do to reign our thoughts in, and obtain the peace of mind we so dese...
Season 1
Episode 49

Ep 048 - Why Start A Side Business?
You may already feel fully overwhelmed by life, with much more to do than time allows, and just enough income to pay your bills. Not enough time and money is actually why starting your own side business is such a great idea."Music for M...
Season 1
Episode 48

Ep 047 - Your Old Self Is Dying
Wanting to change and create a new life can be overwhelming. Our old self has to die, to have the new life we so desire. Understanding what is happening in our bodies and minds in this process makes the path to our new lives much easier....
Season 1
Episode 47

Ep 046 - Self-Sabotage Is Self-Love
We often believe we are sabotaging ourselves, that we should be so much further along in life than we are. But what if what seemingly is self-sabotage is actually self-love?"Music for Manatees" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)<...
Season 1
Episode 46

Ep 045 - How To Be Healthy
Do you feel like your health is a mystery, and trying to figure out how to take care of yourself is simply overwhelming?"Flies On The Prize" by Doctor Turtle (freemusicarchive.org)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attrib...
Season 1
Episode 45

Ep 044 - 'Thoughts Create Things' Is A Privilege
What you and I think may seem to be not of much significance, but our thoughts really do matter, in creating a world where every person, animal, and nature has all that they rightfully deserve."Heavenly Energy" by Alex Wit (ht...
Season 1
Episode 44

Ep 043 - Why Is Change So Hard?
We can be so hard on ourselves when we want to bring about change in our lives, pursue our dreams, yet we feel overwhelmed, confused, and scared."Music for Manatees" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By ...
Season 1
Episode 43

Ep 042 - Why Your Self Concept Matters
It may seem that the way in which our lives unfold is totally unrelated to how we feel about ourselves. Through a tiny, yet powerful daily change, we can steer our lives into a much more powerful and positive direction."Heavenly Energy" ...
Season 1
Episode 42

Ep 041 - A World Of Distractions
So often, when we feel anxious, uncomfortable or sad we believe that is coming from within us. But, my beautiful friend, it is the world that is swirling about, while you truly are at peace. Discerning between the world and your precious soul i...
Season 1
Episode 41

Ep 040 - I Died And Met God
Some of us believe in God, and some do not. I died and met God, and our Maker is very real, beautiful, and magnificent. "Music for Manatees" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Lic...
Season 1
Episode 40

Ep 039 - Persist With Your Dreams
Following your dreams may seem impossible, but there are practical ways to accomplish the desires of your heart! "Heavenly Energy" by Alex Wit (https://pixabay.com/)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 Internatio...
Season 1
Episode 39

Ep 038 - Reacting Forward
We logically base decisions and plans for our future based on what we have already experienced in life. What if there was a much happier and simpler way to make decisions that lead us to the life we truly desire? "Music for Manatee...
Season 1
Episode 38

Ep 037 - Thoughts, Panic & Anxiety
Do your thoughts really matter? Is thinking positive just a silly trend that has no true value? As a mental health counselor I have found that panic and anxiety can be resolved through a simple practice involving our thoughts. "...
Season 1
Episode 37

Ep 036 - Successful Artists
It seems almost impossible to succeed as an artist, doesn't it? Our ability to sustain ourselves financially and contribute to the world is what we most want. How can this be done, easily and joyfully? It is possible! Here's how. "...
Season 1
Episode 36

Ep 035 - Who Not To Take Advice From
Who we allow to advise us determines greatly how our lives will unfold. Even those we are close to can easily guide us to not follow our dreams. Why does this happen?"Music for Manatees" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under...
Season 1
Episode 35

Ep 034 - Benevolent Capitalism
Those words, benevolent capitalism, may seem like an impossibility. How can capitalism, which overlooks the rights of so many, become benevolent? Yet, there is a way to take a system that is so broken and steer it toward the goodness of all of ...
Season 1
Episode 34